AGENDA  PTCBMX  Parents’  Meeting  NOVEMBER 01st, 2008.


1.      Roll Call.


2.      Minutes of previous meeting presented.


3.      Financials presented by Reed Bradford, PTCBMX treasurer.


4.      Promotions update from Claire Camarata, social and promo director. 2009 sponsorship plans.



5.      Track Business:   Update Anthony on PTCBMX TO DO list. 


6.      Last race is November 15th this season.  Promotional item of the day will be beanie with logo.


7.      Regional Information:  Hotels are all confirmed and prices set.  Key volunteer positions are fixed. Monster Energy to sponsor $250 for team racing day 1.  Looking for sponsor for team  racing day 2.  Hoping to get $500 a day for team racing promotion.  Karen needs help with concession stand positions as well as raffle items.  Have approached Tim Huff and Tim Maret for announcing.  Claire to take care of Friday announcements. Any ideas on sponsors or side events to make this special??????



8.      Once Regional schedule announced, we will finalize our schedule for next year. 


9.       Next meeting is the third Sat. of December at 9am.  Meeting adjourned.