UPDATED = October 30, 2024.
Call Brittany @ (951)445-3357 or come on out and sign up, or find out more about this exciting sport!
(On Facebook, search for "Peachtree City bmx Track")
Timeline Feed from FaceBook
RACE on Saturday November 02, 2024
Practice and Registration 12 - 1:30pm
($9 w/ribbon, $12=2 bikes, $13 w/trophy, $8 for 3+ family)
Race starts 2pm
Easy race registration: Text Brittany @ (951)445-3357 with your Name/USABMX#/Class +or Cruiser/Bike# (Report to the window when you arrive, please)
Next Gate Practice:
Thursday, from 6pm to 8pm.
starting March 02nd!
No charge, full race gear, and
current USABMX licence required.

Open racing in 2024:
will continue offering "Opens" in 2024.
We will run an open if we have 3 or more
riders register for that age group,
Amateurs must register to race class
on that race day. Cost: Free, no
trophy for opens!
Track conditions :
The track has been draining well and drying out quickly so we are able to use the track soon after the rain.
However we can't always update the website so quickly!
So please go to our Facebook page, or view the posts embedded in the timeline feed at the top of this page.